消費者組織CHOICE的發言人利維(Matt Levey)稱,如果能定出一個全國性的標準就會避免被誤導,不過這一“常識”指南真的是“很有用”。澳大利亞人支付差不多雙倍于籠養雞蛋的錢購買散養雞蛋,但是很多養雞場欺騙了他們。
IF hens do not move about freely on an open range, then their eggs inevitably can't be spruiked as free range. Right? Right.
This “common sense” advice released today by the Australian Consumper and Competition Commission may indeed seem bleedingly obvious to those of us whose primary contact with eggs are on supermarket shelves or when poached and teamed with smashed avo on toast.